Administrivia: 29 July 2023

Hey gang.

I said this on my personal account on Instagram, and I’ve had a borderline shit day and a strange week and two years’ worth of heartbreak so I was not super nice about it, but I’ll be nicer here.

This doesn’t happen hugely often, but it does happen, so: Please stop DMing me asking me about this Rory thing or that Rory thing*.

Look, I know you probably send Rory DMs now that you have a direct line** to him. And that he never answers you. And that I at least, once in a while, may speak to some question a person asks me, or I used to, anyway.

But the problem is that as obsessed*** as I’ve been with the guy, I still don’t know the guy. Anything I could possibly tell you runs a high risk of being incomplete, mistaken, or downright bullshit. I don’t like to think so, but I’m human. I fuck up too.

If you see someone or get a DM from someone pretending to be him, just report them. It does not matter what I think of them. You know where Rory is. He’s the blue-check being followed by his screen-acting agent, his voice-acting agent, a band or members of that band who have met him in person, his former makeup artist, and possibly Maisie Williams (he’s definitely following her). So basically, anyone who isn’t that account but is saying they’re him is full of shit. Easy.

Anyway, I don’t always see messages in time to respond in a reasonable amount of time. That’s no good either, so just don’t. Thanks.

*And especially do not be asking me about that Rory thing. You could ask Mrs. McCann, but I doubt you’ll like her response.

**For some value of “direct,” because we don’t actually know whether that is Rory posting. It’s definitely his account and the account definitely posts pics of him we’ve never seen anywhere else (well, until people steal them and repost them elsewhere), but it may actually be Mrs. McCann doing the posting.

***Not “boil a bunny” obsessed, but maybe “talk endlessly about trains” obsessed. Except, well, this train is vertical (except when sleeping) and has no tracks (except the ones he leaves when hiking).

Administrivia: 27 July 2023

I literally am never gonna shut up and let this site speak for itself, am I

That’s okay. There’s still good stuff here, you just have to work harder to find it right now.

So here is a funny thing that I bet most of you haven’t seen and I’m gonna post it here and it’s not Rory but I hope Rory sees it. Rory’s a funny guy, I bet he appreciates other funny guys, and this guy hails from Rory’s neck of the woods so he ought to find it extra funny.

I dreamt last night…

Seriously, go watch that and laugh your hairy arsehole off. Out. Whatever.

We all need a laugh ’cause another of Rory’s jobs is ending. BOO. I heard. That Transformers series is done very soon now. Well, Rory already knew that, probably months ago, but suddenly now it’s news. Or, I dunno, it was news already and I missed it, which is not at all difficult to believe, but I heard about it finally the other day. Like, less than a week ago. And what do I say about running this fucking place?

Right. I chronicle. I do not scoop.

Oh well. If this means Rory’s finally working on that fucking TV show I AM ALL FOR IT.

Even though it’ll probably be ten fucking years before I finally get to watch him as DCI Daley.


But, here he is as a cop in another thing.

Hope Daley has a happier ending than… well… I’ll shut up. And I still need to get State of Play. It looked like the whole thing was going to be good. But what did I do instead? Bought a second copy of Hot Fuzz. I thought I was done with DVD impulse buys. Shows what I know.

Okay. Bedtime. Whee! (It’s almost 2:30am.)

Administrivia: 12 July 2023

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve put some more work into this. It isn’t a huge amount every time (seriously; a lot of it’s copy-and-pasting), but every little bit helps. That tag cloud is certainly growing.

I have been tagging things he’s been in wherever they’ve been mentioned. I could have just limited it to when something substantial was written about the work in question, but then we get into how to define “substantial.” I won’t worry about it. However. Come to think of it, one of the things I’ll be including in-line with this blog is an entry for each of his works on the date it was first released, and that will have its own Filmography category. So there’s that. Aaand when I do that I’ll likely include the screenshots when I have them! So that’ll be fun. I might not do it right away but edit the screenshots in later, depending on how generally busy I am. But the nice thing about a blog post is that you can shorten it with a “read more” tag, so I can make those posts nice and long when I have the material and it won’t interfere with the general blog layout. So I guess that solves that mystery. You longtimers may recall I argued with myself for probably literal years over whether to do screenshots as a separate page or to include them with the filmography. There. Sorted.

I am sorry to note that I will probably remove the “love life” page. Might even remove the boat page. That’ll likely mean I fall in search rankings. Oh well. I am not making any real moral pronouncement about those things, I’m just not sure where they will fit into the rearranged sitemap. Plus, well, they don’t really help anything at this point. Me writing about Rory’s boat always gave a certain group of people conniptions, and we could never get the straight story about Rory’s love life either, not even the stuff that’s usually public for non-famous people. (Seriously. If someone you actually knew kept his marital status secret from you for years, wouldn’t that weird you out?) I’m at a point where I prefer to share stuff I can actually prove, since I’m wrong at least half the time with my speculations anyway. (Me guessing he’d end up on Instagram was a fucking unicorn, and then it was spoiled because I came up with it after he’d already started his account there, which at the time I didn’t know yet, but of course what the fuck does that look like? DAMN YOU, McCANN. 🤪) I can’t see how me dropping the bullshit speculation will take anything away from this site but its search ranking. I can live with that.

Still pondering the whole “administrivia” thing. It’s possible I will keep that feature but much more subdued. But jury’s still out.

Okay. I’m now sitting here staring at this thinking Was there something else I wanted to add? Never mind. Onward!

Addendum to previous

They have updated Rory’s photo at his agent’s site.

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Ah, yes. The photo I tried to draw THREE SEPARATE TIMES. One of these days I’ll do it. I don’t have a good setup or a good mindset for it yet.

Here’s one of my attempts. It’s long gone. I threw it away or I set it on fire — I did a lot of trash-burning while I stayed with my dad. Normal for South Louisiana, and actually kind of cathartic (not Rory’s drawing specifically, but other stuff I made gone). But enough about that. Drawing. Here.

I actually want to do the other one of him making the silly face, too, so I have the pair. Maybe one day.

P.S. Edited to add. I am not sure when it happened, but Rory’s Instagram is blue-checked now.

Of course people are going to say “well, any idiot can get a blue check now.” No pleasing people.

Administrivia: 09 July 2023

It is testament to the mis-wiring of my mind that I fucked off all day (note the “off”… my life has been boring in that way for a long, long time) and then suddenly, close to two hours after I usually get off work except it’s Saturday, I’m working on this site. GOD. I could have gotten SO much done by now.

Oh well. It’s a start. I figure I’ll give me til about 2am or so, my time, for this little work session here.

You will find that stuff disappears. I have ideas about how I want to move forward with this and it’s looking like — no promises — there will be considerably less autobiography and smartassitude going forward. I know some of you like me being silly — you made that obvious when I still had a Facebook page for this project, and didn’t we have a time? — and maybe even Rory doesn’t mind it, if he even looks at this place, but I don’t know yet whether I will fit my humor in here somewhere going forward or even how I will do it. At this point I just want to get a straight-up narrative going, and then we’ll see what else fits. And it could be by then that you’re getting enough out of the site just as I envision it now that you won’t miss the bullshit. Fun as it sometimes was. There will still be a personal “voice” here though. That’s too difficult for me personally to leave off.

Anyway. We will see how this goes! I’m already pleased to note the index page looks like it will work as it should. So there’s that.

Oh, and a further personal note. At one point I had opined that I would not be going tracking down Rory’s birth info. I still have not personally seen his birth certificate and will not be seeking it out. I did, however, stumble across an information source that contained both his apparent birth data (time and place and date) and his middle name, claiming his birth certificate as a source of that information. You know… someone, no idea who, took it upon themselves to declare his middle name was Philip some years ago and to append it to his Wikipedia article (and it has since been deleted). I can’t see how it is worse for me to share information I’m two degrees away from verifying versus someone just making shit up.

Plus this came off a public site. I didn’t need a password to see it. It’s out there. My keeping my mouth shut didn’t make it less public.

And if it makes you feel better, my middle name’s Rachael. So there.

Okay. Onward. Let me not distract myself with nonsense again. This post won’t stay up forever, but hopefully enough of you will see it until then. The times, they are a-changin’.

Administrivia: 04 July 2023

Hi again.

Rory McCann in Slow West

I “sound” a bit too somber there. Things are going okay [knocks on head]. It’s just I get seven paid holidays a year and we’re winding up Independence Day. I keep telling myself I only have three days left to go in my work week and I got paid for doing fuck-all today. Well, not entirely fuck-all. I’ve cleaned some and cooked some. Though I may be about to punt that new slow cooker out the kitchen door. I’ve not decided yet. Anyway, I hate being regimented, and I knew that going in, but I need the job and it pays okay, so here I be. I am apparently doing well for a beginner, if not brilliantly, so that’s a good sign. I’m also paying rent on my apartment now like a normal person. Gasp.

I think I’ve just spent too much time alone if you want to know the truth. It’s not a big deal usually; I may actually be a bigger introvert than Rory is. I KNOW Seriously, though, he still goes out and parties. Or did until fairly recently. Me, I always feel awkward in social gatherings. Maybe that’s why he drinks at parties? He can do that, though. He’s six and a half feet worth of big strong dudely dude. In my experience, men take a drunken woman as an invitation to mayhem and they will not care that I’m fat and frumpy and funny-looking. I’d be easy. No good. So I stay out of that shit. But I could do with some sort of social interaction that my ability to make a living isn’t hinging upon. I’ll think of something.

Anyway! I’m pushing myself hard on this ’cause once I get going, it won’t be so bad… I’m finally beginning work here at the site. I had considered, and posted at least twice about, doing everything in a sandbox WordPress installation and then replacing this all at once. I have decided that that is probably too much planning and possibly redundant effort. Also no good. But it’ll creep up on you from the past moving forwards. I intend to still have some auxiliary pages here to serve specific functions, but most of it’s going to be inline as part of the blog, and I will be making liberal use of tags and categories. It will all be searchable, just as it is now, and hopefully the increased use of tags and categories will make it even more so.

I’m afraid that when it comes to using source material it’s going to wind up looking more like a Tumblr blog and someone get me a fucking eyepatch and a parrot, BUT, I will link to sources wherever I can. And the archived versions of those sources. I want you to go find where this stuff came from. By all means please do. I will make it easy for you.

In the end, well, I don’t want to say “ultimate Rory McCann fan resource” but maybe I’ll get it top ten? I’d like that. That would be fairly awesome.

Okay. I’m gonna go see if that fucking slow cooker is working

[exit to kitchen]

[triumphant re-entry]


Holy shit, Batman! I’m cooking! HOW long has it been. Jesus. I will have my own meal to take to work tomorrow!

It’s the little things.

But not only the little things.

"I'm six foot six, Fist."


[edit] Couple of very minor changes thus far because I kept getting sidetracked:

1. Installed a plugin that will create a tag cloud on its very own page. Actually, I have to create the tag page, but it’ll have a shortcode on it that’ll display all the tags I use from here on out.

The idea, ultimately, is to give you three ways to search info: (a) broad categories of information, such as filmography; (b) tags for more specific details; (c) search bar, which is not going away and which will search both pages and posts (an important distinction in WordPress).

2. Deleted the previously existing categories. They are likely to be fine-tuned over the next several months, but I wanted to start over from scratch, anyway.

Not terribly important info for most people but if you geek out about this shit, that’s what’s up. Sorry there isn’t more yet. It’s a start.