I literally am never gonna shut up and let this site speak for itself, am I
That’s okay. There’s still good stuff here, you just have to work harder to find it right now.
So here is a funny thing that I bet most of you haven’t seen and I’m gonna post it here and it’s not Rory but I hope Rory sees it. Rory’s a funny guy, I bet he appreciates other funny guys, and this guy hails from Rory’s neck of the woods so he ought to find it extra funny.
Seriously, go watch that and laugh your hairy arsehole off. Out. Whatever.
We all need a laugh ’cause another of Rory’s jobs is ending. BOO. I heard. That Transformers series is done very soon now. Well, Rory already knew that, probably months ago, but suddenly now it’s news. Or, I dunno, it was news already and I missed it, which is not at all difficult to believe, but I heard about it finally the other day. Like, less than a week ago. And what do I say about running this fucking place?
Right. I chronicle. I do not scoop.
Oh well. If this means Rory’s finally working on that fucking TV show I AM ALL FOR IT.
Even though it’ll probably be ten fucking years before I finally get to watch him as DCI Daley.
But, here he is as a cop in another thing.
Hope Daley has a happier ending than… well… I’ll shut up. And I still need to get State of Play. It looked like the whole thing was going to be good. But what did I do instead? Bought a second copy of Hot Fuzz. I thought I was done with DVD impulse buys. Shows what I know.
Okay. Bedtime. Whee! (It’s almost 2:30am.)