Administrivia: 04 January 2025

Oh hey, everyone! Happy New Year.

While I’d be lying if I said I was wall-to-wall busy, at least in a way that would have kept me from updating here, I have definitely been very distracted. Things got financially hairy there for a while. They may still yet again, but for now I’ve reached a weird little harbor: I’ve got a new odd job that may keep me for a while, and I’ve got a one-off gig for a friend that I’ve already been paid half for and when I get done, I’ll get the other half. That’s going to be my backup-slash-emergency fund. The odd job will be good for day-to-day financials, of which I have very few at this point, and also for adding to my savings. So I’m not panicking like I was. If you’ve never had money woes, you can’t really appreciate how much of your brainspace they can take up. I hate it. Hopefully I just went through my final year of things being That Bad. We’ll see.

We’ve just seen the U.S. debut of The Damned. Well. I haven’t seen it. The way things have been going, I’ll likely wait ’til it’s on DVD; there’s a movie theater in town, but it’s a bit farther than I would want to walk. If I already had a bicycle, that would be one thing; I can now afford the occasional movie excursion. The bicycle is coming. I just haven’t figured out how I’m going to make that happen yet. I have a few options, all with their unique pros and cons. But after I get it, I can start thinking about functioning a bit more normally as far as going out and doing stuff.

I’m certainly not going to wait until I’ve got a guy to do things with. There’s a vaguely possible candidate but, true to my general pattern of unavailable men, he’s in Canada so I can count on maybe seeing him once or twice a year unless we start dating, and even then it wouldn’t be often. I can at least look seriously at getting a passport now — the first time I met him in person, a passport might as well have been on the moon for me, so my change in fortunes affects that too. But this is counting my chickens before they hatch. I’ve seen signs that he’s interested? But he’s a weirdo, in a different way than I am a weirdo, so it’s hard to tell for sure. I do not say that to disparage. I mean, Rory’s a weirdo, and we all love him for that. Nothing wrong with being a weirdo. In general. But meanwhile, I’ve gone to movies by myself before. Restaurants too. It didn’t kill me. There’s also a library in town and I’ll be hitting that too.

I could even, hypothetically, restore my Rory collection and add to it. I probably will. I still have his autographed photo and some DVDs and that Entertainment Weekly edition with him and Thor on the cover. Also that miniature Hound helmet and the enamel pin. I’d like to snag the Game of Thrones box set again. I might do that for myself as a birthday present, since that’s coming up next Friday. (Fifty-one. Kind of anticlimactic.)

Hope you are all doing well. I see my visitor count hasn’t dropped any, and it’s nice to see that you still stop by. I’m not going to make any promises about upcoming updates, but that’s at least a thing I want to do, if that counts at all.

Administrivia: 03 November 2024

In case three of you have not seen this yet. Sound on:

I suspect there is a female-type person aboard in one clip, but of course I cannot tell who it is (even if it were his wife, I can’t confirm or deny that as I have no idea what she looks like, though the possibility of it being his sister is not off the table because now I think of it, Sally-Gay’s hair looked a lot like that during the filming of Season 8), and of course that’s not going to stop the wild speculation from fangirls generally. I get it. Just don’t expect any final answers, because those would have to come from the big man himself and y’all know by now he’s no blabbermouth.

He sort of used to be. He used to be more open about his life, but I can’t help thinking that backfired on him at some point and he has since wised up. It’s kind of a shame because he seems like a really interesting person, but if people were giving him shit because they knew stuff and they could find him — well, y’all know what they say about rotten apples and barrels.

Anyway. Enjoy.

P.S. I wouldn’t have done any better with that pillow shot. Except the ball would have STAYED ON the pillow as it sailed into the water. I’m talented like that.

Administrivia: 31 October 2024

I know all you fangirls have seen the trailer just dropped for The Damned, right? Probably got screenshots too.

Well, in case you didn’t get screenshots, here ya go.

Rory McCann in The Damned

Rory McCann in The Damned

Rory McCann in The Damned

Rory McCann in The Damned

And JUST IN CASE you have not seen the trailer:

Smart PR people, making sure Rory’s face was in the thumbnail.

It always amuses me to see him in something horror. We’ve talked about that before: he hates watching horror films. He’ll hide his face for the jump scares and probably the grody stuff. I’m the same way. Like, I love The Walking Dead, but I have to be crocheting or knitting as I’m watching it, that way I have an excuse to look down at strategic moments. So I get it, but it’s still funny to me. It is of course never the same experience being the actor and being the audience. Remember Rory talking about the scene in Game of Thrones with the zombie bear but all he saw was like a tennis ball and a green screen? Yeah. Never as scary to film it. So that’s why.

Well, and this was made in Iceland. Note to entertainment industry: If you want Rory in your project, film it in Iceland. You’re welcome. That’ll be eleventy billion dollars plz.

Just kidding.

No I’m not.

BUT, it looks like it will be a really good flick AND it is coming out the month of my birthday. I am so stoked. I live in a smallish town now, but it has a movie theater. WATCH me get my ass over there and see it. Might be matinee on opening day but god dawg it… Same goes for Gladiator II this next month if I can at all help it.

Hoping I can help it.


Ahem. As you were. Sorry I ran a little late with this but you know what I always say: I chronicle. I do not scoop. It’s not even on purpose. It’s just me setting low expectations so I am less of a disappointment. I’m sneaky like that. You’re welcome.

Administrivia: 16 October 2024

Oh, how exciting! Rory got another voice job! If you were watching that DNA thing with in the UK tonight, you heard him.

Just TYPICAL, though: this probably isn’t anything I’ll ever find on DVD. Dammit, big man… [shakes fist]

Nah, I’m playin’. (Okay, a little.) Always good to have a bit more of Rory’s voice out there in the world…

Administrivia: 11 October 2024

First off, wow, someone visited here from Marion, Ohio! I normally don’t talk about my visitor counter, though it’s never been a secret, because I don’t want to freak people out. I can’t see your name or address, I just see where in the world (city, state/province, country) you’re visiting from. I noticed Marion particularly because when I was homeless last year that’s where my rehousing caseworker with the Salvation Army kept trying to relocate me. I’ve even been there once to view an apartment. There’s a memorial in that town for former president Warren G. Harding — bet this is the first some of you have ever heard of him. I passed it on my left driving south on U.S. Highway 23 while I was there. Anyway. End of completely off-topic blather.

I also see someone hit here from Ayr. Howdy! Doubt it was the big man, but I like to think it could have been.

Okay. Just a few notes:

1. If you have a Google Alert set for Rory you may have noticed the obit. NO, Oor Rory is not dead. This was another Rory McCann born three years before the big man and it looks like he lived in England as well. Don’t SCARE me like that, Google. Jesus.

2. There has been a recent auction of Game of Thrones stuff. Mainly costumes and personal props such as Jon Snow’s Longclaw sword (awwww! I loved that thing!). But they also auctioned off one of Rory’s costumes. I don’t know which, but I know I did a search on this page and a couple things of his came up. Feel free to click around. And explore. And cry ’cause you can’t afford a single stitch of any of it. SOB.

(That link won’t stay good forever, I’d imagine. Better look while you can.)

3. If you like reaction videos, this is one-half of an adorable couple young enough to be my kids (well… not both at the same time… their surname’s not Targaryen) who typically do reactions to music videos and movies. It’s a lot of fun, or I think it is; it’s almost as good as knowing young people in person who I can introduce to everything I like. But anyway, Amber is currently watching our favorite series, and it is a real treat watching her experience all this for the first time. So if you like that sort of thing, enjoy.

Okay. Got schtuff to do and am hungry. Talk at ya later.

Administrivia: 05 October 2024

Oh hey, hi! I know it’s been a bit since I last updated. Honestly I need to quit doing these sorts of updates here, but I’m not gonna beat myself up too badly about it until I get this thing sorted out to where I wanted it to be in the first place. I’ve been procrastinating again. Bad Admin.

But! Someone messaged me recently on Instagram to ask me about Rory’s middle name. Because other people might be wondering, here’s my logic process with that whole subject.

Basically, no one’s got a source “proving” Rory’s middle name is Phillip (or Philip). I used to see it on Wikipedia but there was no source cited for it. And since I have seen it there, it’s been removed. If there were anything to back it up I feel like it would have been cited with a source and not edited out.

However, I did find a website that specializes in astrological birth charts for celebrities, and they claim they’ve seen his birth certificate. And they say his middle name is Frederick (and also that he was born in Paisley, which, I have had another fan inform me that he’s been sighted there, and perhaps he was visiting family?). I realize that’s not a much better source than Wikipedia since I don’t even know if I could acquire a copy of his birth certificate to follow up and verify, and I really don’t want to try to do that anyway because hello, creepy. But I feel like if they had incorrect information, maybe someone would have contacted them about it by now and they’d have corrected their information. But lo, here we are. If you want to try to contact them, be my guest. I’m moderately satisfied their information is accurate.

As to the other sorta-question I got from this person, about whether people have seen him in public with his wife? Yes. This has happened at several restaurants and pubs and even when they haven’t personally seen her, sometimes he mentions her in conversations with management or staff. What convinced me that accounts of his marital status are valid is that one pub he visited last year (two Januaries ago; quite memorably, it was soon after I went homeless and on the day after my birthday so that was one fuckarow of a week) told me by DM that he’d told them that his wife had set up his Instagram. I still have that conversation in my DMs, in fact, though I will not be telling you who the pub is. I recall that when he was in Portugal in 2020 and a restaurant owner there spoke of seeing him with his wife, the fangirls harassed the owner until he deleted his restaurant’s Instagram. That was a shitty thing to do to him. Marital status is public knowledge for a reason and it still wasn’t something worth ruining his social-media life over. So I am not going to facilitate that happening to anyone else. If you don’t want to take me at my word, I completely understand because you don’t know me from Eve. But you’re going to have to take me at my word, because that’s all you’re getting.

(Why was this pub talking with me via DM? I had said something in their comments and they were following up. And that conversation ended very abruptly so I suspect someone fussed at someone else behind the scenes like “Wait! Don’t tell her things!” It wouldn’t surprise me. But there you go.)

I still personally want to know if he was married yet when he went to Norway in 2019. Just an idle curiosity because it’s mostly none of my business. But — and I think I’ve mentioned this before — I do appreciate that he works so hard to protect his wife’s privacy. That woman would not last six months under you fangirls’ gentle ministrations and I bet Rory knows it. Yes, I find him quite attractive too. Plus he’s only five years older than me and weird in some of the ways I’m weird. Do you think I like this situation either? But at the same time I’m really pleased for him that he’s apparently found that sort of happiness (he’s always had other kinds). And given how long it took him to find it, it’s got to be all the sweeter for that. He did introduce me to Scotland in a big way, too (almost as big as he is!), and I’ll always be grateful.

And I still get to admire him from afar. And that’s even more fun than Dutch ovens and divorces.

Besides, these days I’ve got an in-person infatuation and I’m spending too many emotional and mental spoons trying to figure that out to fret overmuch about a guy half a world away who wouldn’t be attracted to me in the first place. I need to do something about my fondness for unavailable men (officially this other guy is single; emotionally, I’m not so sure), but at least he’s really nice, and we seem to be forming some sort of friendship. So that’s been an interesting plot twist this year. So… famous man? What famous man?

Nah, I’m kidding. I still enjoy running this site even if I’m shit at updating it. I expect I’ll do another little burst of work here soon. Won’t promise when. ‘Later…

Administrivia: 03 September 2024


Remember how I used to screenshot The Book Group off of Tubi? And then they took it off Tubi and I was mad?

Happy to report there are at least TWO Rory films on Tubi currently! Solomon Kane‘s there (search for it), but best of all? Beowulf and Grendel is there! I LOVE Rory as Breca. He did great in this one. I’ve also long wondered if doing this film was what got him bit with the boating bug. (It is definitely what kicked off his love affair with Iceland!)

Also see SK, although don’t expect to see the big man immediately — he turns up pretty far into the film, but he’s kind of funny in that one. There had been talk of it being the first film in a trilogy, so we probably would have seen more of his character, who I think was a lot more important in the original comics. But what can you do. Turned out for the best, I guess; I doubt he’d have had time for Game of Thrones if he’d still been filming those when that started.

[edit] Also the UK version of Shameless. I believe that’s the first two episodes of Season (series) 3. That’s the one where Rory plays the priest. Now, he’s kind of awkward in that one but (1) nervous actor — we’ve all known that from way back — and (2) I’m suspicious, just based on the lines he had, that the awkwardness might have been part of the point. I think the writers were taking the piss with the institution of the Catholic Church, just a bit. Which actually might have been why Rory took the role. I wish entertainment writers would ask better questions in interviews. ‘Cause there’s shit I end up wondering about and I never get to find out because big man hides out in Scotland and never talks to anyone. GRUMP.

Okay. Have fun with all of that. ‘Later, kids.

[edited again] Did you ever see Sixty-Six? It was another Rory film, except he just has a bit part in it near the end. It’s about a Jewish boy who’s about to have his bar mitzvah and it just happens to be scheduled on the same day as the World Cup. Anyway, the actor who plays the boy’s father is the same guy who played the Irish priest in Beowulf and Grendel. I don’t know why I didn’t notice that last time. Possibly I had seen B&G first, and then the other, and it didn’t even register. I also find that if I’m screenshotting something then my focus is very different than when I am just watching it straight. So maybe that was the problem. I wasn’t screenshotting this time.

Still, I wonder if Rory remembered the dude from one film to the other. That would have been cool.

Administrivia: 30 August 2024

I don’t know how seriously I take ScreenRant’s ability to assess which TV characters have the best scary-to-cuddly arcs, but I will say they ranked the Hound well above Negan from The Walking Dead, which is saying something.

I would recommend TWD to Rory, but as we more… dedicated? …fans are aware, Rory’s not into horror films. Ends up covering his eyes against the jump scares and such. Can’t see him making an exception for gory TV shows. I have no room to talk. When I used to binge TWD, I’d make sure I was knitting or crocheting something so I could look down at strategic moments. Not gonna say Rory’s a gigantic fanny because that would be really mean (and untrue, except possibly when he’s pranking around on set), but I looked less like one when I could fake having to watch what I was doing with my hands. Not that it was fake. I really did have to watch. But you know what I mean.

Never did knit anything for Rory, though as I understand it, he did get quite a few knitted things from fans. Do I want to know? Probably not.

But hey big man, if you’re ever in the market for a handknitted hat (you’re not), you know where I am. I completely sympathize with having a huge cranium. I don’t know if the UK has the same hat-size system as the USA, but on this side of the pond I wear a seven and a half. As with shoes, designers of women’s hats assume we’re all on the small side. It’s so ridiculous.

Okay, I will stop nattering at y’all for now. It’s just been a while so I figured it was babble time.

Administrivia: 16 August 2024

For those of you who are newer, you may be surprised to learn that Sandor “The Hound” Clegane, Rory McCann’s most popular role, isn’t actually my favorite role he’s done. That label more properly applies to Kenny McLeod, the sweet guy in the wheelchair who featured in The Book Group in 2002-2003.

Rory McCann as Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, about to throw down with Brienne of Tarth in season four

But that doesn’t mean I don’t like Rory as Clegane, of course.


So I just wanted to peek in and mention that I’ve been seeing reels of the Hound on Facebook and YouTube and I gotta say, if Rory had any notion that fans have forgotten him, I’m happy to report that is not the case. In fact, I just saw some comments today asserting that the Hound was the best character in the entire Game of Thrones show.

"I have ahmah.  And a big fuggin sword."

THE best. Not third-best, not tenth-best, not “hey he had a cool cameo that one time, didn’t he?” THE best.

Kristofer Hivju and Rory McCann from the set of Game of Thrones (3 of 4) posted to Instagram 7 May 2019

Made my heart happy to see. Thought I’d pass on the happy. 💛🖤

You will pry this from my cold dead fucking hands (yep... still got it)

Administrivia: 05 August 2024

Was dusting off my personal Twitter (I will never get used to calling it X) and started following Emptage Hallett and damned if they didn’t have a photo of my dude from his turn in The Damned.

Rory McCann in The Damned

Love the big man all wild-looking like this. I don’t know if I’ll be able to see the film ever, but it ups my chances if it’s ever released on DVD. Ahem.