Game of Thrones star ‘The Hound’ Rory McCann docks in Troon harbour after sailing in on swish yacht

SOURCE: Daily Record
AUTHOR: Sarah Hilley
DATE: 27 April 2017
ORIGINAL: Click here
ARCHIVE: Click here
NOTE: “Swish yacht”? Bit of a drama queen there, yeah? Because I’ve seen that boat, and you have too if you’ve followed the Instagram. It’s beautiful, it’s a very nice boat, but it doesn’t have a “snobby better than you” vibe at all. It has more of a “peaceful home” vibe, I think.

Also, can Rory just fucking exist without someone tall-baiting him for five fucking minutes?

But whatever. Tabloids. Feh.


The towering actor has become a regular at the marina-based Scotts restaurant after anchoring his wooden-masted vessel in the town’s harbour.

Game of Thrones star ‘The Hound’ has docked in Troon harbour after sailing in on his swish yacht.

Towering actor Rory McCann has adopted marina-based Scotts restaurant as a regular ‘dining room.’

Famed for appearances as a riotuous bloodthirsty killer called The Hound in hit Game of Thrones, McCann looked every inch the civilised gentleman as he made a low key entry to the restaurant wearing a cap last week.

And as the 6ft 6” giant tucked into lunch at the eatery on Friday with two other men, diners seemed oblivious to his presence.

After enjoying the Ayrshire grub overlooking the beautiful marina where he is docked, he left quietly without fanfare and headed back to his wooden-masted vessel just yards away.

And he deftly batted off a request for a photo from the Ayrshire Post after being approached by our reporter outside.

The 48-year-old bachelor has gained a reputation for keeping under the radar in the seaside town unlike his savage on-screen character who creates anarchy wherever he roams.

Scott’s restaurant manager Scott Stinson said some of the staff who were fans of the fantasy drama were left starstruck by his custom.

Scott said of McCann: “He comes in now and again as he has a boat in the marina. He pops in for breakfast and dinner. He is a very nice guy. A few of the staff watch Game of Thrones and they were like: ‘Oh My God’ when they saw him.”

The Post clocked two Japanese tourists armed with cameras who may have learned McCann’s whereabouts gazing hopefully in the direction of the marina.

McCann is known for living a quiet life sailing his immaculate wooden masted ketch around Scotland.

Twenty years ago Big Rory became well known as the face of Scott’s Porage Oats.

Like a lot of jobbing actors in Scotland he struggled to make cash and lived in rented accomodation.

But he’s been a huge hit on the Game of Thrones and it’s fair to say he is not short of a bob or two.

He has been in the show from the start and it’s now in its seventh series.

Originally from Glasgow, he seems to enjoy South Ayrshire life and was clocked partying in trendy Ayr pub the Smoking Goat last year.

Fans are eagerly anticipating the next series of the smashbox HBO hit in July.

But it doesn’t look like attention shy McCann is going to spill any spoilers on what his screen character Sandor Clegane will get up to next.