Popping in to say hi. Not much going on really. Even most of my Google Alerts are either about Rory’s latest job or are referencing an article that lists the cast of Game of Thrones in the footnotes somewhere, therefore Google’s alert is triggered because Rory was mentioned. I think that is probably the most common reason I get alerted, and has been since I first started tracking alerts.
I realized a while back that I forgot to post my Valentine’s Day memes this year. It’s a bit late to post them now, I guess.
I’m trying to push myself around to a sort of regular schedule that may involve frequent library visits. Bless their hearts, the staff are beginning to recognize me. You have to actually check out books and turn in books with the staff; there doesn’t seem to be any anonymous or self-service way to do it. I don’t mind. It’s not like there’s anything freaky there to check out. I get the Stephen King books lately and I think that’s their upper limit on freaky. I guess we’ll have to see.
(I wonder if Rory ever reads horror novels? Fans know he is not into horror films, but he IS a reader. Hm. I don’t read a lot of them myself, but I’ve liked King’s stuff since high school. It’s not even what you’d call great literature. But somehow it’s compelling.)
Okay, stuff to do. ‘Later.